Sunday, 2 August 2009

Meat puff

31 July 2009 Making Cornish Pasties

I read a recipe on how to make meat puff from tesco magazine a few days ago. I rarely make any bakery as I do not like to have so much measurement for almost every ingredient. But i would like to try this since it is much simple. The pastry is made up of 250g of plain flour, 125g of butter and one egg for four servings. Without any water or milk, i had to rub all these three things together until it resembles breadcrumbs.

For the filling, i included onions, mushroom, diced meat and diced potatos. Fry them together. Add some salt, black pepper and most important is Maggie Seasoning Sauce which is my favourite.

Cut the pastry into 4 pieces and put into fridge. Roll out the pastry into 14cm rounds and brush the edge with edge. Place the prepared filling on half of the pastry round. Fold the pastry in half and firmly squeeze the edges together, crimping the pastry with fingertips.

Bake in oven for 10 min with 220 degree celcius. Then reduce the heat to 180 and cook for a further 35 min. Done!!!

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Liverpool Carnival 09

1 Aug 2009 Liverpool Carnival 09

Liverpool's annual Bazilian carnival parade takes place sat Aug 1st from 8-30 pm-10pm through Liverpool City centre. Samba schools from across the UK and Europe will parade in this glittering night-time spectacular, with stunning carnival costumes, floats and live music. For details of how you can get involved in costume, dance and float making workshops register your details on the contacts page

Pic: Making free advertisement in crowd, while having fun in the carnival. Good trick.



有水泡要不要戳破?事实上,这方面也是要经由医师的临床判断。水泡如果小最好不要弄破,让其自行吸收。如果大不易吸收可用无菌针等挑破(一定要防止感染),尤其一些比较大的水泡和关节处比较会破的地方,医生会用空针将水泡抽出。 若是浅二度的伤口,通常会在两个礼拜之内愈合,若未感染通常不会留下疤痕。病人约略两天到医院换药一次,用抗生素的软膏就可以了。
