Friday, 31 December 2010

Send your wish to a pager?

31 December 2010

Today is the last day of the year 2010. It is 5:30pm now and getting closed to the end of the year. I just received a message from my senior that he was hurt. As you know "hurt" can be defined differently. I was worried when I saw this first sentence of the entire message. Then he said he was paged. At this point, I felt relieved as I was pretty sure he was physically okay.

I continued reading the message and I knew I misunderstood. What he meant was he was moved/touched. He was alerted by his pager and when he checked the message, it was actually a new year greeting message sent by his user. It was such an interesting way of wishing each other located in different regions.

The friendship is formed beyond the company's boundary. I guess if I were him, I would feel shocked and yet great contented to see such a warm wish when you thought the pager beep was due to a production issue which may need your support.

Thursday, 30 December 2010


30 December 2010

在我还没有机会应用Internet之前,在我的钢琴世界里,除了古代名音乐家,就只有Richard Clayderman。因为他的歌曲比较大众化,在夜市也可以买得到,甚至很多场合都能听到他的歌。当初我也是被Marriage D'Amour吸引而开始学钢琴的。那时我也不晓得是他的歌曲。

Richard Claydermand playlist:

当我刚刚接触Internet时,我首先认识了David Nevue这个钢琴家,很喜欢他的歌,风格完全和Richard Clayderman的不一样,比较有情感,可以听出一个故事。我甚至还买了他的歌谱。

过后我又认识了KITARO, Secret Garden和SENS。他们是属于乐队,不算钢琴家。他们的歌就比较戏剧化,很多电影都采用他们的歌曲。譬如说,宋家皇朝。虽然我很喜欢悲伤的歌曲,但是觉得有些KITARO的歌听起来会有点不舒服,感觉心里好像很没有安全感,仿佛一人被困在森林里。所以我只是特别喜欢KITARO的三个专辑,Heaven and Earth,Gushiji和The Soong Sisters。三个之中,比较喜欢Secret Garden因为大部分的歌曲我都喜欢。

Heaven and Earth:
Secret Garden playlist:
SENS playlist:

再经几番寻索,又被我认识了YANNI,风格算是属于Contemporary或New Age吧。同样的,在很多连续剧都能听到他的歌。跟KITARO比较,少了一份戏剧化的情感。

Yanni playlist:

过了不久,买了一个The Daydream的Tears专辑。歌曲都是纯钢琴,有些也是蛮伤感的,可能是在同样的专辑里,要符合相似的风格,所以很多歌曲听起来好像差不多一样,就连调子也是一样的。跟之前几个音乐家相比,名气比较低,出的专辑也比较少。

The daydream:

不久之前,认识了David Lanz。我深深被他的Cristofori's Dream吸引着。听起来仿佛自己在梦中,不过听起来还是有孤独的感觉,就觉得很特别。他的名气远远不如KITARO,Richard Clayderman和Yanni。大概是歌曲没有那么大众化的关系吧。不过我还是蛮喜欢他的歌。

还有一位音乐家叫Steve Barakatt, 歌曲比较现代,歌曲都有一点点"摇滚"的伴奏。听起来也蛮刺激的。Rainbow Bridge, Eternity, FLYING是他其中几首名曲。我也是透过"Song Without Words"的专辑而认识他,专辑里全部歌曲都很好听。他好像也是一位歌手,在他的网站里看到的都是他的唱歌专辑。

Steve barakatt playlist:

以前的我或许不喜欢听New Age的歌,比如说YOGA的音乐,听起来不但没有带给我轻松的感觉,反而是害怕,感觉很孤独,很无助。不过最近我开始慢慢接受了,也开始喜欢它们。

Real world vs Abstract World

29 December 2010
I was sitting on a couch aside while others were happily discussing about it in the dining hall. I made myself isolated from the discussion as I knew I was not expected to talk about it.

Similarily, this situation happens in the abstract world. While internet services such as facebook and blogspot are appreciated by so many people including myself for their awesome connecting and sharing abilities, at the same time, I hate them. I hate them for intruding and violating the privacy. I dislike them for stopping me to talk freely as it is being "monitored" everywhere.


29 December 2010

缘分是那么的奇妙。第一次见面的时候,我还是以一个泼辣的顾客来向他施压。 第二次见面,也是因为公事,但也赚了友情。



Saturday, 25 December 2010

How to unblock youtube video

25 Dec 2010

Youtube's staff is getting more responsible? I had no video being blocked before until the two recent videos. I had no idea their reason being blocked. I made a photo slide show, of course with music behind that may violate the copyright. But out there are millions of videos which as well violate the copyright. Some of them even upload movie and series. Why me???

I just need to unblock them. Here I found the tricks from

1) Login your youtube account
2) Go to My video
3) Click on the Content ID Matches on left
4) Click of View Copyright Info of your video
5) At the bottom, click on "I want to learn more about the dispute process"
6) You will be directed to another page. Click on "Take me to the dispute form"
7) You will see three options. Choose the second one saying about fair use
8) Under the please explain section, paste this statement:

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

9) Type you name as signature and under the statement of good faith, just copy the statement as displayed below the text box.
10) Click on Continue and then "Submit Claim"

It should immediately work right once you are done with the instructions above.


25 Dec 2010



每个周末,如果懒根没有被挑出来的话,都会到bukit gasing或TTDI爬山。爬山的时候,满脑子都想着食物,想着爬山过后要到哪里用餐,这样我就有推动力了。想了,当然是要做的咯。我可不是一个想了又能够控制自己不犯罪的人。通常都会找一些weekdays吃不到的,或者不方便去吃的。如果看到有几样吸引我的食物,我甚至可能点完它们,除非我觉得我真的吃不下了。

独自用餐就是有一点很麻烦。如果需要self service去order而剩下的空桌子又不是很多,那么你就需要找一些东西放在桌上"霸位"。

Sunday, 12 December 2010


12 December 2010

就正当我为了未知之数而烦恼和彷徨时,有位同事说了一句话,“有些人为着未知的烦恼希望明天不要来,患绝症的人却怀着看不到明天而绝望·,天意就是这般弄人”。 如果你有类似的经验,听了这番话,有没有觉得自己很幸福,不应该在这样想了?其实我很明白这个道理,我甚至觉得这是一个很好的人生考验,一天一天熬过去后,再回头看一看,就会发现你原来走到很远了,什么风霜都被你征服了。但是人是一个很复杂和奇妙的东西,当你的天使很乐观地鼓励你时,另一个恶魔却在你脑海里一直跟它唱反调,告诉你这一条路会很有挑战性。我想这也是正常吧。如果人都只有一种思维,那么人就是很简单了,也称不上是高级动物。不过同事的那一番话,还是有效的。所以当你悲观的看着你的烦恼时,也别忘了乐观的看待它。

Friday, 10 December 2010






生活不够充实的我,想参加舞台剧之类的活动,就算要付钱签一个celebrity的会员证,我也在所不惜,至少我可以运动减肥,参与自己热爱的舞蹈,打发时间,和认识新朋友。但是却听说一定要sign contract :(

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Food Trail @ Sunway Pyramid

27 Nov 2010

It was always fun spending time together with my best friend, Sheryl. This time, we met at Sunway Pyramid as I am bored going to Midvalley and One Utame. Well, when we looked at the directory, I was captivated by a few restaurants that I couldn't normally find in One Utame. So I decided to try them out. The first we tried was Ireland's otato.

Ireland potato

We brought this into the cinema and consequently I did not have a chance to capture its photo. It is very common in overseas to eat fried potato chips with different toppings. Each topping is charged differently. I was so surprised to see this in Malaysia. With around RM8, I got the Ireland meat sauce topping. It smelled really fantastic with spice. If the chips can be crispier, that would be perfect.

Yip's Kitchen

I searched for its review on Web at the previous night and I found some good comments on its wantan, spinach noodles, and Roselle Flower juice (洛神花). So we ordered a dry BBQ sauce roasted pork spinach noodles (叉烧面), soup dumpling noodles(凤城水饺面), a bowl of wantan soup, Roselle Flower juice, and a leong shui. The total damage was around RM 40.00.

Everything was nice, especially the wantan soup as it is uncommon to have wantan soup with herbs (药材) as the base. The skin of the wantan was quite smooth and thin. I was really satisfied with what we ordered except for the soup dumpling noodles. The problem was not on the dumpling, not on the noodles, not on the soup itself too. It was the liquid soda from the noodles which caused the soup tasted differently. I believe the dry noodles would definitely taste better.

The Roselle Flower juice was great too. It was a mixture of salty and sour taste. It is said that it is full of vitamin C so I gave it a try. The crunchy flower can be eaten as well. It is sold at the price of RM5.90. Overall, I would rate the food 4/5.

Ninja Joe

The story did not end here. My desire for food was not satisfied. I headed to Ninja Joe for its mini pork burger. I chose the terriyaki flavour as I have been hearing good reviews on this. The menu is simple. You have 6 flavours to choose from. Before deciding the flavours, all you need to do is just to select how many pieces you want, either 1, 2, 3 or 6 pieces and you can have different flavours for each burger.

For pork lovers, you do not have to try the Mc D pork burgers overseas, you can have them too in Ninja Joe. The patty is juicy. Since I do not quite like pork, I do not think I will return for this.

DailyFresh waffle

The stomach was full now, but still I was tempted by the aroma of waffle when we passed by this stall which is named DailyFresh. I ordered the premium waffle with pandan flavour for RM4.00 and the result turned out to be little disappointing to me.

Honeymoon Dessert

After 2 hours of walking, we were tired and decided to sit down to have some chat. Honeymoon came to my mind without second thought. Since we were both full, we shared a bowl of black sesame with red bean paste for RM6. It was good!!!! The taste of the sesame was not covered by the red bean paste and yet we have some red beans to chew. It was such a wonderful mix and match.

We passed by the stage which was nicely decorated for coming Christmas. There were some performers on stage and we both took a photo together with them.

I am a light eater during weekdays but turned out to be such a heavy eater on weekends. Have you ever imagined I can eat so much just in an evening? Nevertheless, I had another Thai-style dinner at Cheras with my family after that. Phew~

Monday, 22 November 2010

Sightseeing @ Guiline

30 Oct - 6 Nov 2010



































模拟美国的Golden Gate Bridge




它是广西四大古镇之一。大圩古镇 古朴的镇,使电影“刘三姐”在此去了许多外景,经年来几部电影,电视都选择在这里进行外景拍摄。我还看到有新郎新娘拍婚纱照呢。经过此游,我明白到原来破旧也有它不同的一面,带给我不一样的味道。


冠岩是一个三层的水洞旱洞相连的奇特地下溶洞。由杨堤乘船沿途可观赏到漓江风景,这是漓江的黄金水段。在冠岩上有电梯坠入 瑶池 ,中有火车穿越峡谷,下有木舟轻泛暗河。桂林的冠岩凭借多样化的立体观光方式荣获吉尼斯世界纪录--观光方式最多的岩洞。
More pictures at