Wednesday, 25 May 2011

First Barbecue in NZ, Papamoe

25 May 2011

Having a barbecue is very common in New Zealand. I have been wishing to have one at beach side here before I came to New Zealand, and on our day off today, we (10 of us) who are all from Trevelyan packhouse made it!!!

We went to Papamoe Holiday Park where is just near to the beach. There is a Park N Save opposite of the park, a supermarket which sells real cheap things We went to the market and grabbed some food for the bbq section before we headed back to the park.

Everything, except for the food and drinks is free. We do not have to pay for the parking and bbq stove. No early booking is required too. The only thing to take note is that alcohol drink is prohibited. If you do need it, have it low profile. You can even catch the fresh lala at the beach during low tide.

It was windy in the late evening and all of us ate the cold food in shiver......

pic: Fresh lala caught at the beach

Monday, 23 May 2011

Work happily

22 May 2011

Since I obtained the day shift job offer from company T, I had a thought on my mind to quit my night shift work at company S. Company T has been all the while reviewed as the company which offers the best staff benefits. I do not mind to work night shift as the pay is higher, and I do not mind to work both shifts in a day for money's sake, but definitely not in company S. I saw my the other two partners wish to stay and earn as much as possible before we start travelling, and I do see many other people having two jobs in a day actually. I persuaded myself to give a try and continue working in S, and at the same time in company T.

In order to survive in company S, I had to find a way to leave the packing work, which I really really hate. My fingers never recover from injury since the first day I joined. I managed to find a friend, who is a grader, and swap with her. On the first day, it was alright as the supervisor is well known as friendly and easy going person. I thought I could work here for few more days with the kiwi grading work and then I would leave company S with a lum sum of money. This was how I experienced my first crazy working life (working from 7.30am till 5pm in company T and then 6pm till 4.30am in company S, and then 7.30am till 5pm again in company T).

Job nature is not the only obstacle to make me stay, but also the people and environment here. I have been trying hard to tolerate with the supervisors' managing and supervision skills and today, I finally broke out at the middle of the work and decided to leave earlier. Yes, leave the company permanently as well. I do not wish to carry the stress even in my sleep. They are the most unfriendly people I have been dealing with in NZ so far, they are the only people who could hardly say something good as a token of appreciation of my work, even though the result may not be up to their expectation, and they are the only people who would stand right beside you and pinpoint what you have done wrong, followed by shaking their heads with disappointment.

On the other hand, my effort is always appreciated and recognized in kiwi picking job and also grading in company T (I like the supervisor very very much, she always talk sweetly). I am not someone who is useless and has no value. Hence, I do not regret leaving company S.

pic: packing section at company S
pic: packing section in company T
pic: grading section at company S
pic: grading section at company T, shorter row and yet assigned three people per row.
pic: eating lunch in company T
pic: This is how company T appreciate the hard effort from the staff!!!

Monday, 16 May 2011


17 May 2011






我过不了自己那一关,我不能刻意做错事而被调,我想尽我所能克服它,证明给主管看,我是能的。两位朋友看到我承受着那么大的压力,劝我换公司,或者换岗位,不值得过得那么不愉快,我们的目的是working holiday,不是打工的。但是谁又能保证之后的路会更加顺?为什么其他人都能,我不能?我还是把它当作是个体验好了,好让我体会原来钱是那么的难赚,工厂的工作是会有压力的。

差不多每一晚手指都会被割伤或磨损。因为害怕向主管拿胶布,因为不喜欢带着手套工作(贴了胶布一定要带塑胶手套),有的时候流血就被逼用最嘴巴吸,或者去厕所用冷水清洗,要不然用奇异果标签贴纸贴着伤口,也不懂会不会感染细菌。只看到自己的手,有4-5根手指都是受伤的。手指也开始生死皮了,每当我用食指scan in/out时,都得尝试几次才成功。真的搞不懂为什么工厂不要提供布手套给员工,难道真的那么贵吗?

pic: the closed colleague from Germany and French. Friendly couple

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Picking and Packing Kiwi

14 May 2011






虽然有了packing的工作,但是我不愿意放弃picking的工作,所以我不在意同时间打两份工。就好像前几天,星期四和五做了packing夜班,睡了三个小时再去picking,结果回来就足足睡了11个小时,睡醒后收到工头的信息,说人手不够,结果我们又再去picking,然后晚上上packing夜班。幸好我们跟工头说好了, 如果当天有值夜班,我们只须要採半天的果。

pic: waiting the rain to stop at the middle of the work along with contractor, George. Kiwis were our shelter.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Satara Kiwi Packing Night Shift

12 May 2011

We received a call from Satara today. Finally we obtained packing offer, but it would be night shift (6pm - 4.30am). Night shift is paid 1.50 NZD more per hour than day shift and packing's working hour is longer than picking's. We had no choice but to accept the offer in order to earn more and cover our weekly expenses.

Since packing and picking both do not work everyday, probably only a few days per week, we wish to work both if there is no conflict, of course not on the same day. For example, if we only need to pack on monday, tue and wednesday, we can actually pick on the following few days if there is no rain. Unfortunately, it may not work out as planned as picking and packing can fall on the same day. Hopefully our kiwi picking contractor doesn't mind we only work on free day.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Kiwi Picking Experience

11 May 2011

今天下雨了,因此没有开工。还记得第一天採奇异果后,双肩痛得不得了,还需要搽muscle cream,一直希望第二天能够下雨,盼望能够採一天,休假两天。昨天已经是连续三天都开工了。而今天的我,看着下雨天,不懂怎么了,却很想到果园开工。看来我已经适应了採奇异果的辛苦,还开始慢慢享受其中的欢乐。






Saturday, 7 May 2011

People in New Zealand

7 May 2011

I love the people here. They are so friendly and helpful.

If you are standing at roadside and looking at map, people passing by will stop and help you.

Whenever you reach the cashier counters, they will smile and greet you.

There are so many i-sites (tourist information centers), at least one at each town to assist the tourists.

Even when we are working at the kiwi farm, they guide us nicely, well at least I have not been scolded once so far and hopefully it wont happen in future.

It is common that the passengers to say 'Thank you, driver" before they get down from the bus.