Saturday, 30 July 2011


18 July 2011

Once we got down from our car in the city center, we saw a group of people having Zumba fitness at an open square. It is common to see this kind of group exercise in Malaysia but this was my first time seeing this in New Zealand. I always like dancing. I wished I could joined them but the cold weather was killing me.

We headed to the Anglican Cathedral across the street. No doubt its exterior design is stunning.

We spent the next two hours at the Founders Heritage Park to experience life as it was in Nelson in the 1880s to 1930s. There, we saw character streets, tranquil established gardens and charming village greens.

After shopping at Asia market, we finally finished our journey with a nice dining at a cafe at beach side. Expensive and small portion but we enjoyed the moment dining out.

Friday, 29 July 2011


27 July 2011



到了晚上,就开始吐了。折磨了几个小时,吐了几次,总算熬过去了,觉得舒服了,也睡着了。不久后,突然砰一声,我发觉我被一大堆的木架压着了,动弹不已。我朦朦胧胧地呼号了几声,心想以为是地震了,后来才发觉睡在上面的男室友连同床垫和床架一起倒在我身上。我往上望,double decker变成空心了。




Friday, 22 July 2011


22 July 2011


来纽西兰之前,已经听很多人说这里的工作都不简单,而且还是一个减肥的好机会,可以想象一定会是很辛苦的经历。尽管如此,我还是来到了纽西兰。我只抱着一个心态: 看着不一样的天空,体会不一样的生活。








Wednesday, 20 July 2011


12 July 2011



冰雹的形状是圆圆的,像透明的珍珠。冰雹是从雷雨云里落下的,但不是每个雷雨云都会形成冰雹。 只有当雷雨云的某个部分,气流上身猛烈,把水器带到高空凝结成雪花。有遇上忽强忽弱不稳定的现象,将雪花上下翻滚。结上一层冰壳,才会有冰雹的产生。

Sunday, 17 July 2011

The Make Up Party

16 July 2011

We organized a crazy make up party tonight. Guys were transformed to ladies by our four female make up artists.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Working in Talleys Seafood Packhouse

12 July 2011

I have been working here for a week. I only have one comment about this work - it is tiring though it looks simple and relaxing.

I was assigned to cut hoki fish fillet. These fillets are the O-fish-fillet that we eat in Mc Donalds. The hoki fish are first processed to remove the organs and skins. People do the organs removal while the machines do the skin removal.

They are fillets at this moment and they are sent to the trimming section (where I stand). There are good and bad fillets. The first person is in charge to trim the bones near the head. The second person will pick the good fillets and cut them into standard size/length. The third person will backup the second person when necessary and also remove the fat at spine for those bad fillets before they are minced. The next two persons mainly do the fat trimming. If there are too many fillets on the table, they have to pick them up and place them in a box so that we can process them when we have time later. All of us have to make sure all skin and blood spots are cleaned/trimmed from the fillets.

I stand at the second position. When the machine works fast or there are too many good fillets coming in, I have to cut on my chopping board and at the same time keep an eye on the other fillets so that I do not miss any good fillets.

pic: Work Attire
pic: Female changing room
pic: Small room in the changing room to put boots after work. Heater is on to dry them
pic: The factory is clean everyday after work.

pic: Don't forget to clock in and out each day

pic: little shark

Right fingers are always sore after holding the knife for long hours. My right fingers especially at the joints are obviously wider now compared with the left's. Shoulders, back bones and legs are always tired after standing whole day. This job is even harder than kiwi packing, grading or even picking. But it is definitely not as stressful as kiwi packing. After two days, I realized that my right fingers were swollen due to chilblains, a medical condition that occurs when an individual is exposed to cold and humidity.