Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Scotland Day 3

6 Sept 2009
We departed from Inverness to Duncansby Head. It is the most north-easterly part of the Scottish mainland. First, we visited the Stacks of Duncansby. They are some of the most impressive in the British Isles. The Great Stack is over 60 m high and rises above the summit of the adjacent cliff. The stacks rises above a narrow shore platform and its partially-submerged reefs along a stretch of shoreline where cliff retreat appears to have been significantly more marked than to the north at Duncansby Head and to the south beyond Fast Geo to Skirza Head (Crampton ad Carruthers, 1914).

Pic: at Duncansby Head

Pic: Stacks of Duncansby

Then we headed to John O' Groats. It is popular with tourists because it is usually regarded as the most northerly settlement of mainland Great Brittain, although the actual most northerly point is nearby Dunnet Head.

Pic: John O' Groats

We took cruise that brought us around John O' Groats to experience the beautiful scenery of cliff, dolphins and sea lions .

Pic: Sea Lion


blog-hater said...

hey.. c'mon la.. u think anyone wil read all this rubbish? u r purely showing off whr u haf been.. and its very cheap..

YvaineKong said...

no one ask you to read them. I do it as a diary to keep all my memories so that i can review them from time to time. please leave the blog if you do not like it

YvaineKong said...

'u think anyone will read such rubbish'?

You were one of them who successfully read the content you think is rubbish