26 Feb and 28 Feb 2010
I have been missing the time I had in UK so much. I miss the weather (though I suffered from rashes), the people, the English, the buildings, the environment, the culture and etc.
All these refreshed my mind and I could imagine myself was back to UK again. There was an event that even reminded me more of the UK memories - LJMU Alumni Dinner. It was a day to allow me to meet some people that I met and something that I saw in UK.
It was another dinner I had with LJMU since the farewell dinner held in Aldelphi Hotel towards the end of the course last year. But this time, the food, the environemnt, the table layout were all different this time.
Similarity: Western style food
alumni dnner vs farewell dinner
round table vs long square table
buffet vs 3-course meal
less crowded vs crowded
with previous batch students vs only 2009 batch students
held in Malaysia vs UK
It was a shame that I did not meet anyone from my europe trip coach.
pic: Head of division(left) and newly met lecturer(right) who sat next to me during the dinner
pic: All computing students, including previous batches too
pic: Top 10 finalist for Photography Competition. Theme: My memory of Liverpool. Two of our photos were in.

pic: Time to get our food

pic: There was lion dance this year
pic: The hotel ballroom environment

pic: My friend, Shu Mei

pic: One of us get the first prize, win some face.
Right after two days, it was my LJMU convocation ceremony. I have been counting the days since November.
Well, it costed me quite a lot. We normally only pay less than hundred in local universities/colleges. But this costed me 75 pounds, inclusive of buffet lunch for three persons.
It was a long long day. Graduans were required to report from 8am and get their gown on the spot before having group photos accordingly to faculties.
The actual ceremony started at 11.30am and ended at 2.00pm. The convocations in UK normally take place at church/cathedral with classical organ playing during the beginning of the ceremony. Can you imagine the environment? It is just like Harry Potter's movie. How I wish to have my convocation there.
Well, the KL convocation is not bad too. It took place in a ballroom at klcc. It is like a orchestra theater. Not bad.
pic: Woke up in early morning when the sky was still dark

pic: Nice theather

pic: Buffet lunch is provided