Saturday, 12 February 2011

My Dancing Life

1226 February 2011

I have been taking part in culture dance since I was 9. I quit in my 20's and after that, I learnt hip hop and various modern dances, occasionally. I was originally from Chin Woo/精武, but I have switched to Pooi Lam Old Students' Association when I was 14, after being captivated by one of their well arranged and performed dance. I was greatly happy that I was given a chance to play a role in this dance performance not long after joining this association. I supposed to have a recording for it, but unfortunately it could not be played back as it was corrupted. It is my favourite dance among all, followed by the dance that you can see in the first video below.

The name of this dance is 庆典, meaning celebration. Unfortunately we did not practise well enough and it turned out to be disappointing.

During my last performance in our association's anniversary dinner in 2006, I was asked by my coach to compose a dance choreography myself, where I would be the only dancer in this. Oh my God, I can dance, I can teach, but not compose!!!! Still, I felt proud to be given such opportunity and finally I went to buy some vcds with winning dances from China, and stole some ideas from them :) And below was my creation. I understand there are a lot of room for improvement, but I was only given a month of time.

Lately, I involved myself in belly dance, MTV jazz, and hip hop. If you are interested, please see this.

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