Monday, 7 March 2011

Introduction to Short Stories

8 Mar 2011
Two days ago, I found a piece of my hard work done during college time. It was my first ever video production. It was indeed a tough work, which took a lot of my effort and time. Despite the fact that I came across with some minor problems that prevented me to finish it in a smooth manner, it turned out to be a successful and satisfying video eventually.

Each group with members of three, was assigned with different stories and each group could freely utilize own's creativity to present the story. I was assigned the story "The Cask of Amontillado". The story is about how Montressor executes his revenge plan on Fortunato (used to be his friend). He attracted Fortunato to his house with Amontillado, which is always Fortunato's favourite wine, got him drunk, and finally chained him in his vault and let him died of suffocation.

Here is the video:

Another group presented the short story "It used to be green once" very nicely too. It is about the relationship between mother and children.

Here is the video:

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