Wednesday 7 December 2011

Towards the End of The Journey

8 September 2011

It was a special day. It was a day when I have sold my only asset in New Zealand. It was also a day when I closed my tax account and I could no longer work in New Zealand unless I am paid in cash.

There is still about one month before I go back to Malaysia. However, it seems like there could hardly be any more interesting chapter in my journey and hence I have decided to sell my car and close the tax account. For the rest of my time in New Zealand, I would be working for accommodation in Onuku Farm Hostel until the last two days in New Zealand. I am glad that I can spend my last month in my most memorable and favorite place.

While I did the car ownership transfer with a young boy from Germany today, it brought me back all the memories I had during my first week in New Zealand. I showed him how to do the ownership transfer like how the previous owner had shown me. The previous owner was a German too. Life is like a cycle.

I saw his uncertainties on his face, not knowing where to go and what to do next. Nevertheless, I could still see his passion and excitement burning in his body. This was exactly what I have gone through.

And now, I have almost reached the end point, which was also the starting point. I am now like back to what I was at the beginning of the journey. I came here with 1500 dollars, and I will be bringing back a similar amount back to Malaysia. I didn't really earn much. But at least I have not spent a cent from my initial fund throughout my 9-month journey and I have earned a full bag of great experience.

I couldn't wait to share my experience with my beloved friends and family in Malaysia. I couldn't wait to see the new faces added to my family, Nigel and Haygen. Just another 40 more days to go.....


Hui Yi said...

Wao. So good you can enjoy your last month in the place you like most. Good Good

felicia_lay said...

Hi, iv been following ur blog(hope u don't mind) and also others since i'll be going to NZ nxt year april-may.

but due to time limit, we only go for 3 weeks. planning to work for 1 week, then travelling south island for 2 week. from ur experience, do they accept holiday working for just 1 week?... i hope to work first straightaway when reached nz. u have any suggestion?

thanks alot for ur help!
