Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Melbourne Day 5: Victorian Gold Town

4 Jun 2014

Ballarat is Victoria's largest inland city and the site of the World's largest deposit of alluvial gold. It has rich history and heritage. We enjoyed exploring the town's Victorian and Edwardian buildings, statues, and churches. The pies from The Beechworth Bakery, especially the potato pie were so impressive that I kept looking for other outlets throughout the journey. I tried the pies from "Pies of the Sky" too but the Beechworth's were much to my taste. The weather finally turned better after the disappointing weather in the past three days upon our arrival in Melbourne. 

Entering into Sovereign Hill was just like stepping back in time to gold rush Ballarat during the 1850s. You may see costumed ladies and gents who were working in the Sovereign Hill. You are welcomed to take pictures with them with no charge. You can also ride in a horse-drawn carriage. There are shows at different timing. The Redcoat Soldiers marching (together with firing their muskets) must not be missed. There are shops selling 1850s-style goods, hotels and schools to visit.

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